Florida Research Fellowship
I have been awarded the Florida Researcher Fellowship from UWF to seed fund my project Turbidity Paintings. I am very excited! The submersible ROVs are on order!
I have been awarded the Florida Researcher Fellowship from UWF to seed fund my project Turbidity Paintings. I am very excited! The submersible ROVs are on order!
I was awarded a Scholarly and Creative Activities seed grant of $2000 to support the production of up to 300 autonomous units that I talked about in my research in a post from 2010.We will be able to produce a wide number and range of these units which would are stable enough to withstand normal …
Otto’s Ghost modules – click for gallery Otto’s Ghost is the name for the installation of the autonomous sound units that I have written many posts about. I along with a group of 6 research assistants fabricated 300 of the beasts over the summer for a October 30th debut at the Art in Odd Places 2013 …
I attended 2010 ZERO1 SJ Biennial as a visitor and spectator. I decided to try to capture as much as possible to bring back to Pensacola. In order to foster this I tried to design a set of mobile broadcast tools in order to record the events and interviews. I purchased a new mobile camera …
i want to introduce two new autonomous circuits i have built and added to my e-beastiary. the circuits are variations based on the solarsoundmodul by Ralf Schreiber. the critters are photovoric singers that employ a Schmitt Hex Inverter IC, resistors, capacitors, piezo buzzers, and a photovoltaic cell. the modulation is slightly different on each output …